What are inferential questions in reading?

INFERENTIAL questions: Ones where the text does not actually tell us, but we can work out the answer by considering the hints and clues in the text in the light of our own knowledge and experience. LITERAL questions: Ones where we can find the answer directly in the text.Click to see full answer. Considering this, what is inferential in reading?Inferential comprehension is the ability to process written information and understand the underlying meaning of the text. This information is then used to infer or determine deeper meaning that is not explicitly stated. Inferential comprehension requires readers to: combine ideas. interpret and evaluate information.Subsequently, question is, what are literal questions in reading? Literal questions have responses that are directly stated in the text. Inferential questions have responses that are indirectly stated, induced, or require other information. Evaluative questions require the reader to formulate a response based on their opinion. Also, what is an example of an inference question? Examples of Inference: A character has a diaper in her hand, spit-up on her shirt, and a bottle warming on the counter. You can infer that this character is a mother. A character has a briefcase, is taking a ride on an airplane, and is late for a meeting.How do you teach questioning in reading? Because often “teaching” comprehension often involves students reading a text and answering a set of questions about it. Many students think that comprehension is about answering questions. engage with the text. think critically. look for answers in the text. discuss the text with others, and generate ‘high quality talk’
