It was a good night, indeed! The peacock, bee, raven and monster performed together to open the Wednesday, February 6, episode of The Masked Singer, jamming out to Black Eyed Peas’ “I’ve Got a Feeling.”
“I have no idea who any of you are, but all I know is all of you are so lovable in your own way,” host Nicole Scherzinger said.
The monster kicked off the competition and revealed he’s had his “share of dark days,” but has fought his “demons” throughout his life. In his video, he threw money in the air, in front of a pink Cadillac. He threw everyone off when he performed “American Woman.”
We previously guessed T-Pain, and Robin Thicke was extremely impressed with his his voice. Jenny McCarthy couldn’t shake that she thought the monster was an athlete, though.
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The hint was a headset and the monster said, “I make my best calls on this headset.” Meanwhile, that just made the judges even more confusing, thinking the monster could be sports’ reporter. Plus, host Nick Cannon had a feeling it was someone he knew!