The Corsair Link Software - The Emperor of Efficiency: Corsair's AX1600i PSU Rules Alone (Review)

The Corsair Link Software

The Corsair Link is a unified software that allows for the monitoring and control of multiple Corsair products. The software is capable of identifying and monitoring system sensors, such as the CPU temperature or fan speeds, and can use that information for the programming of user-specific performance profiles. For instance, you can program the lighting of the Hydro H100i to change according to a temperature reading.

In the case of the AX1600i, the Corsair Link software fully monitors the input and every output of the power supply, as well as its temperature and fan speed. The accuracy of the readings is adequate for typical use.

Screenshots of the Corsair Link software while the PSU was attached to our electronic loads. The displayed system configuration is that of a laptop and does not in any way correspond to the load of the PSU.

The Corsair Link software adds some extra functionality to the AX1600i. It is possible for the user to forgo the single 12V line over current protection (OCP) and create virtual OCP's per connector, limiting the current that will be available to certain devices. This can protect certain devices as, in the case of a temporary fault, the PSU will shutdown instead of supplying them with a massive current that would permanently damage them. The user can also adjust the cooling profile of the PSU's fan, or the cooling profiles of other fans based on the PSU's load.
