Steve Daines Age, Voting Record, Contact, Committees, Net Worth, Church, Where He Lives

Daines was born in Van Nuys, California, and his family moved to Bozeman, Montana, when he was a child. Daines graduated from Bozeman High School and went on to earn a B.S. in chemical engineering from Montana State University.

Steve Daines Age

Steve Daines was born on August 20, 1962. He would be 60 years old in August 2022.

Steve Daines Voting Record

The general election for U.S. Senate Montana
Incumbent Steve Daines defeated Steve Bullock in the general election for U.S. Senate Montana on November 3, 2020.

Candidate                 %                                 Votes

Steve Daines (R)         55.0                  333,174

Steve Bullock (D)          45.0                272,463

Total votes: 605,637

Incumbent Steve Daines defeated John Driscoll and Daniel Larson in the Republican primary for U.S. Senate Montana on June 2, 2020.

Candidate              %                      Votes

Steve Daines           88.0                192,942

John Driscoll           6.4                     13,944

Daniel Larson          5.6                    12,319

Steve Daines Contact

Steve Daines does not have his contact details on his website. But he is on social media




Steve Daines Committees

Senator Daines is only the third Senator from Montana to ever serve on the U.S. Senate Finance Committee – one of the most powerful in Congress. In this role, Senator Daines prioritizes pro-growth, pro-family, and pro-America tax policies, competitive trade policies that put Montana small businesses first, and greater access to lower-cost prescription drugs.

In his role on the U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs have jurisdiction over monetary policy, banking, housing (including veterans housing), insurance, financial markets, trade promotion, and urban development.

Steve Daines Net Worth

Steven David Daines is an American politician and former corporate executive who has a net worth of $33 million.

Steve Daines Church

Like the revered Evangelical legislator, Steve Daines works on a cause directly aligned with his Christian faith the defense of pre-born lives and he’s among those raising a persistent alarm about the injustices they face.

Steve Daines Where He Lives

He lives at Missoula.
218 East Front Street, Ste. 103
Missoula, MT 59802
p: (406) 549-8198
