Christoph Waltz net worth, Wife, Kids, Weight, Bio-Wiki, Age

Do you know Christoph Waltz? He is popular enough for the youth at this time. You will get the full biography of Christoph Waltz here. If you are interested in Christoph Waltz, we can assure you will be happy by visiting here. In the below section you will get the details of Christoph Waltz’s height, age, affairs, net worth, and much more information. Let’s Check.

Christoph Waltz Wiki

Christoph Waltz is him real name. The nickname is Christoph Waltz. Basically He is German, Austrian. The name of his home town is Vienna, Austria. Let scroll the below table.

Real NameChristoph Waltz
Mononym (Nick Name)Christoph Waltz
Profession(s)Actor and Director
NationalityGerman, Austrian
Birth LocationVienna, Austria
Birth Date4-Oct-56
Age as in [year]66 years old
Height1.70 m
Heights in Feet5 feet and 6 inches
Heights in cm170 cm
Weight(s)70 kg
Weight in Pound154 pounds
Dates withTo be Updated
Marital StatusMarried
SpouseJudith Holste
ChildrenYes (Leon Waltz, Miriam Waltz, Rachel Waltz, and one more)
IncomeNot Known
Net Worth$40 million

Christoph Waltz Age and Birth Information

Do you have an interest in the Christoph Waltz age? We have covered the date of birth and other related information here. Him birthday is on 4-Oct-56. He is now 66 years old. By born He is from Vienna, Austria.

Christoph Waltz Height, Weight and Other Info

Celebrities’ physical status is one of the most important things for the fans. Celebrities physical state, height, weights, etc always create new trends. We also know this fact. His height is 1.70 m. The weight is 70 kg. The Weight varies from time to time, here you get the latest weight.

Christoph Waltz girlfriend and Marital Status

Do you know the marital status of Christoph Waltz? We are going to provide some of his personal life informations here which could be your point of curisity. we are going to provide few vital informations like affairs, mariatal status, spous, hobbies and others within a table here. You will be able to know about his favourite things and pernoalities in this part. Check the below to the table to know about your favorite person’s marital life.

Christoph Waltz Net Worth and Salaries

Do you curious about the net worth of Christoph Waltz? How much He earns? You know well that no one’s salary and assets remain fixed for a long period of time. By following the table get idea about his net worth and salary. We also add the controversies in this section. The total net worth of Christoph Waltz is $40 million.

Common Question of Christoph Waltz

  • Where is the birthplace of Christoph Waltz?

    The birthplace of Christoph Waltz is Vienna, Austria.

  • What is the net worth of Christoph Waltz?

    The net worth is $40 million.

  • What is the height of Christoph Waltz?

    He is 1.70 m tall.

  • What is the Birth day of Christoph Waltz?

    The date of birth of Christoph Waltz is 4-oct-56.

  • What is the profession of Christoph Waltz?

    He is Actor and director.

  • That’s all about Christoph Waltz’s height, age, weight and biography. Hope the above information helps you to know about him. Is all information correct? let us know through comments or using our contact section. Your opinion is valuable to us.
