Brady Robertson Parents: Caledon Boy Found Guilty In Fatal Brampton Car Accident

Brady Robertson’s parents were in attendance at his recent court appearance. In the fatal Brampton car accident, the Caledon teen was found guilty.

Robertson, a Caledon resident, was involved in a fatal car accident that claimed the lives of four people. Karolina Ciasullo, a 37-year-old mother, and her three children were killed in the accident.

Brady was behind the wheel of a blue Infiniti that collided with Ciasullo’s SUV. The victim’s family and friends are giving impact statements in the courthouse this week.

Who Are Brady Robertson Parents?

Brady Robertson grew up with his parents in Ontario, Canada. Robertson’s current age is 21 years, and he was just 20 at the time of the horrible accident.

Brady’s parents and family members have preferred to stay away from the limelight. They have not publicly talked about the case or given any interviews yet.

However, the victim’s family has talked to the media and told how they have lost so much. They were looking forward to the court date and looking the accused in the eye.

#1059Newsroom: Victim impact statements began this morning in the trial of 21-year-old Brady Robertson, charged in the death of Karolina Ciasullo and her 3 daughters. Robertson pleaded guilty to four counts of dangerous driving causing death in the June 2020 collision.

— 105.9 The Region (@1059TheRegion) December 20, 2021

He got charged with eight criminal charges concerning Countryside Drive and Torbram Road on June 18, 2020. Brady also got charged with one count of dangerous driving two days before the Caledon accident. It was also addressed during his trial.

Brady has an Aboriginal heritage. As per the culture, if an aboriginal person is charged with a crime, a few cultural considerations are to be taken into account.

Brady Robertson Guilty In The Brampton Car Accident Death
Brady Robertson pleaded guilty to four counts of dangerous driving that caused death. He pleaded not guilty to four other counts of operation while impaired by drugs that resulted in death.

On June 18, 2020, a car accident killed Karolina Ciasullo and her three daughters, Mila, Lilianna, and Klara. They were in an SUV that got struck by another vehicle.

Ciasullo worked at the Dufferin Peel Catholic District Schol Board as an elementary school teacher.

Brady Robertson Trial Update: Where Is He Today?

Brady Robertson’s lawyers filed a constitutional challenge. The result might affect the verdict on the other charges and overall sentencing. The decision is expected on another trial next year, as per CBC.

The Brampton Judge pronounced that Brady had drugs in his system during the accident.

Robertson is currently in the custody.

The trial dates for December are 20, 21, and 22 for victim impact statements. The sentence submission will not be scheduled until the end of March 2022. Further details about jail and his sentence time will be announced next year.

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